
Home Inspection Fees for the Brownwood Area

Septic Inspections – Price will vary depending on system

Termite Inspection Fees

WDI inspections will be performed by Andy’s Pest Troopers.

Some inspectors offer to perform the WDI inspection themselves as part of their inspection for an additional fee. I believe that by passing this service on to an established well qualified pest control company, not only will you receive a more thorough WDI inspection, but Andys will also be able to recommend and perform treatments if issues should arise.

Home Inspections | Brownwood and surrounding areas of Texas

Serving: Brady, Rochelle, Richland springs, San Saba, Lometa, Goldthwaite, Mullin, Brookesmith, Winchell, Zephyr, Priddy, Comanche, Blanket, Gustine, Early, Brownwood, Bangs, Lake Brownwood, Grosvenor, Santa Anna, Coleman, Ballinger, Winters, Lawn, Burkett, Cross Plains, Rising Star, May, De Leon, Dublin, Stephenville, Cisco, Eastland, Hamilton, Lampasas, Evant, Valera, Talpa.